Leeds Insurance Institute

PAGE 6 of 7

The first 5 pages contain the training which reinforces what we learned in the workshop on Wednesday.

Up to here, they’ve covered:

Key #1 - Time

Key #2 - Notes

We know that once you’ve got the info in your brain, you’ve got to do something to keep it there, since otherwise we’re going to start forgetting it after about 10 minutes.

The following videos are about (roll on the drum…)

Key #3 - Test

Don’t panic! Even if you’re not a big fan of exams, you’ll love this sort of test!  ðŸ˜€

3 Keys to Learning Crib Sheet

Click on the image to download and print your crib sheet. Bring it with you on Tuesday.

3 Keys to Learning

You will receive the correct Sticky Questions, to suit the way your brain 'does' information, once you've complete the Genius Zone Questionnaire.


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