Some people call me The Head Fixer! And others, The Genius Maker!
With 40 years of experience, I am a Memory and Mindset Coach to women and men at the top of their game in the Financial Services Industry who recognise the value of continual personal and professional growth and development and support to achieve a healthy work-life balance, satisfaction and fulfilment.
I create bespoke Study Strategies for Financial Advisers, Lawyers and Accountants so that they work less - but smartly, absorb information naturally, pass every exam first time with a score of 80%, retain what they learn forever and expedite their career, income and security.
I teach people in Financial Services the Mindset Mastery they need to overcome any challenges and stumbling blocks, build their business and create the wealth, lifestyle and security they crave, while enjoying better health, relationships and overall work-life balance.

My mission is to help people entering a career in the Financial Services Industry and to support those already there by addressing exam and confidence challenges.
Success comes at a cost. Sometimes it's even tougher for women in an overridingly male environment.
And, when they get to the top, as ultra-successful, powerful people know, it’s a pretty lonely place, which is why they recognise the value of continual personal development and effectiveness training and support.
A teacher in mainstream schools in the UK and a Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapist, my clients benefit from my world class training and extensive experience in NLP, New Code NLP, CBT, Positive Psychology and Evolutionary Psychology and reach their full potential, living happier, healthier, longer, more fulfilling lives.
My work has been classified as a ‘game-changer’ and ‘the missing link’ by leading educationalists and is the must-have training for people in Financial Services who need leading-edge strategies for passing exams easily, managing their mindset and leveraging their time, massively expanding their career and earning prospects.
Genius Material is endorsed by NMBA, Zurich, AXA Wealth, Partnership, Prudential, St James' Place, Brand Financial Training, Standard Life and The Patterson Group.
I have also made several appearances on BBC radio, Channel 4, Netflix and other TV channels and am an accomplished public speaker, presenter and author.
My Story
As a young student, I had no idea what I was supposed to do to learn the sort of stuff I was presented with in the classroom.
I mean, why would I? We’re not taught how to learn, just what.
Fortunately, my endeavours were enough to allow me to go on to two universities and become a teacher. But it was by no means a slam-dunk. I was lucky.
And, it was while I was in the classroom, attempting to educate the next generation, that I realised just how woefully inadequate our learning and teaching strategies can be.
I discovered early on that it was no use simply repeating myself when a child raised their hand to ask for clarification. If they didn’t ‘get it’ the first time round why on earth would they the second? I needed to find a different way to explain it... to ‘hit the spot’.
This led to my ‘aha’ moment. The moment when I realised we’re all different, and we learn differently. We process information differently, and store it and retrieve it in our own, unique ways.
That’s why one method of learning might work for one person but not for another.
Over the intervening years, and especially from talking to so many people in Financial Services, I began to realise just how much time and energy is wasted by not knowing exactly how your brain prefers to learn.
And, given that we’re hard-wired to forget and most of us have no idea how to keep information in our heads, once we’ve learnt it, the vast majority of the effort we make to learn is a complete waste of time.
Finally, I began the research which eventually led to my being able to help thousands of clients, young and old, to discover their own preferred way of learning, automatically cutting out hours and hours of struggle and disappointment.
I've been known to take exams just for the fun of it! Seriously! And when I have, I've achieved top marks. And by top marks, I mean, 100% or very close.
Every single time.
I'm not telling you this to brag. There’s nothing extra special about me. If there were, I'd have aced all my exams at school and university.
I didn't.
I didn't know then what I know now.
The difference is simple.
I now know how my brain prefers to learn. I know what I need to do and just as importantly, what not to do to get information properly into my brain. What's more, I know how to keep it there.
That's the difference that makes all the difference.
Because of what I now know, and thanks to my teaching skills and experience, I am having the best time enjoying countless success stories of people whizzing through the very same exams they failed multiple times before.
Unfortunately, most professionals find me only after they’ve failed the same exam over and over and realise they've got to find a better way.
Far too often an Adviser will tell me something along the lines of they’ve got 3 exams to go. They’ve failed one of them twice and the other two, four times each!
If only they’d found me before they’d wasted so much time. Because now, they’re exhausted as well as miserable. They’re on the verge of giving up on their goals and their self-esteem and confidence has gone through the floor.
And that breaks my heart, because once you know how to get information into your head and then keep it there, your learning is transformed. You spend half the amount of time you used to spend, studying and your exam score will be around the 80% mark. Every time.
I look forward to exam time, because I just know that my clients have what they need to do themselves justice.
You can imagine how rewarding it is for me when my clients' ‘phone calls, emails and letters start arriving, full of gratitude and excitement for the future.
And that’s what I love about my job and why I do what I do!
BA (Hons), PGCE, Dip Hyp, Dip C Hyp, Dip PLT & SRT, MNCH (Reg), MNLP, NCNLPP, HPD, WWPrac. CNHC registered
Extensive and World-Class Training with...
Dr Keith Hearne, Trevor Silvester, Dr John Grinder (co-founder of NLP), Tony Robbins, Dr John Demartini, Byron Katie, Dr Topher Morrison, Carmen Bostic St Clair, Gabe Guerro, Eric Robbie, Dr Richard Bandler (co-founder of NLP), Dr Paul McKenna, Dr David Hamilton, Dr Nick Baylis, Dr Oliver James, Dr Susan Blackmore, Dr Rubin Battino, Peter Salisbury, Bill Phillips, Jamie Smart, Bob Proctor, Roger Hamilton and Christopher Howard among many notable and respected trainers.