"Genius Principles" MINDSET MASTERY

“Mindset, mindset, mindset!”

That’s the answer I often give when asked how to solve a problem!

Einstein said (and let’s be fair, he was quite clever!)

“You cannot get out of a problem using the same thinking that got you into it.”

Or something like that!

Here’s a question for you

Who said this?

“If you can’t manage your mind, you can’t manage anything!”


I said that. And, I say that a lot!

With good reason.

We learn how to deal with life… ourselves, other people, the world, how we fit into the world… how?

Well, not by a deliberate, and step by step, structured and tested scientific programme, but by picking what we can and as we can… from our parents and care-givers, our peers and friends and our experiences.

As did they.

And everyone’s doing the best they can, and doing his or her best to survive life and get their needs met.

But, much of what we take to be ‘true’ is an illusion.

A very convincing illusion.

To which most of us subscribe.

See it from my point of view

Here’s an illustration of how the way we see things will affect what’s possible for us.

Mindset Mastery - my point of view
Mindset Mastery - my point of view

Here is the same mug, seen from two different angles. One person is afraid to pick it up, because they can ‘see’ that it’s too hot to touch. The other person can ‘see’ that they can hold it safely, by the handle.

  • Which one of those two perspectives will result in someone taking action?
  • Which one of those two perspectives will result in a refreshing, thirst-quenching cup of tea?
  • And which in yet another disappointing event, leaving you thirsty and feeling like there must be more to life?

What has experience taught you?

And how about those people who’ve repeatedly tried to take that mug and enjoy the drink? 

How many times does it take to hurt yourself to make up your mind that it’s just not possible. Well, not for you, at any rate.

  • Why is it that some people seem to find life easier than others?
  • Why do some people manage to create the perfect life? 
  • Why are some people more successful than others?

Mindset, mindset, mindset!

It’s not your fault!

Your parents, your teachers, friends, colleagues couldn’t teach you how to manage your mind.

It’s not their fault.

No one taught them either.

Managing your thoughts and emotions is not commonplace.

But, it is a lot easier than most people realise.

And, if you’re interested in developing the mindset of a successful person… successful in life, relationships, in your career…

Then you’re in the right place!

"3 years ago I took over the full ownership and running of my family’s 30 year old insurance broking business. I particularly wanted to make it my own and stamp my personality on it.I was already confident in my knowledge and skills as well as my ability to give my clients the highest standard of service. I found, however, that the transition from the old way of doing things to the new way, didn’t just need a change of processes – a change in thinking was also necessary as certain aspects of running the business seemed a daunting prospect.

Thanks to Lysette's coaching I’ve 'felt the fear and done it anyway!', attending networking meetings, giving talks and even appearing in my own videos. Things that many of us find difficult to do. The business is growing and I am on track to reach my goals. I have a Business Coach so it makes perfect sense to have a Mindset Coach as well. Working with Lysette is one of the best investments I’ve made for myself and my business."

Jo Spencer

Jo Spencer, Chartered Insurance Broker

Confidence booster

Mindset Mastery is for you!

The biggest obstacle most people face when trying to create the future they want is the stuff going on in their head.

What’s stopping you?

  • Fear?
    • Self-doubt?
    • Perfectionism?
    • Imposter syndrome?
    • Procrastination?

This "Genius Principles" programme is for you if:

  • You’re ambitious and have a Big Vision 
  • If you feel the urge to do something really meaningful with your life, but the details aren’t quite there yet
  • It’s turning out to be a lonely and difficult process
  • You’re worried that maybe you can’t do this after all
  • You realise there’s something missing and you need some help

You might be:

  • A finance professional working for yourself or for a large company
  • You might be setting up your business or now ready to take the next step and develop it
  • Online entrepreneur discovering that the path you’re following isn’t as easy as you’d expected
  • Fresh out of school or university wondering what’s next for you
  • None of the above, but understand the value of world-class personal development

You want:

  • To help other people
  • To change the world
  • Financial freedom
  • Something you can create yourself, to be proud of
  • Security and freedom
  • The best lifestyle for yourself and your family

If you can’t manage your mind you can’t manage anything!

Hi Lysette, Just wanted to thank you… The self-belief and strength I have gained… has been astonishing. I’ve been amazed how simple the process was for me to discover that I have the strength to move forward. You helped me to be focus on what’s important and helped me identify the changes I wanted to make. People around me have also noticed how much I’ve changed… I am forever grateful to you for supporting me through this journey.

Javinder Sehmi

Branch Manager, Santander Bank, UK

If there were more teachers/trainers with Lysette’s skills/outlook and disposition, I think more people would find they have more to offer than they probably realise.

Eddie Urwin




The Genius Principles

By Invitation

Achieve a higher level of career satisfaction and success with our step-by-step programme.

How Smart and Ambitious Women and Men Tap into Their Innate Genius to Advance to The Next Level.

Few people realise the extent of our ability to create the career and life we want and yet we see people doing just that - so what do they know and do to make that happen? They have accessed their inner genius so that they get more of what they do want and less of what they don't want, and you have this power too.

Velocity 1 to 1 coaching

By Invitation

1 to1 Executive Coaching

1 to 1 Personal Development

Bespoke Mental Rehearsal Resources & Guidance

Questions, Tasks, Challenges, Q&A Sessions

Accountability and Progress Updates

Quit judging, criticising & comparing 

Learn new ways to respond

Eliminate destructive beliefs

Demolish roadblocks & barriers to progress

See yourself & others clearly

Discover your true purpose & mission

Create your roadmap & strategy 

Blast through personal & business goals

Boost personal strengths & competence

Establish true self-esteem & confidence

Build productive, rewarding relationships

Live your life deliberately & consciously

Experience more fun & satisfaction



My intensive, no-nonsense 1-to-1 Velocity Coaching and undivided attention is by invitation only. Please book a call to find out more and discover if you qualify.

Mindset Mastery


  • Can’t be bothered
  • Aren’t open to learning new skills 
  • Stay in your comfort zone and don’t try
  • Blame everyone and everything else
  • Don’t accept that the real obstacle is YOU!

FREE Mindset Mastery Webinar Training



If you’d like to experience what it’ll like working with me on your Mindset Mastery, you might be interested in my FREE webinar training.

Make sure you stay to the end and receive a free "Genius Principles" Mindset Mastery tool you won’t want to be without, AND there’s a very special offer you’ll want to jump on while it’s available.

If the button below is active, it means that right now, I’m opening up a limited number of spots.

If not, please come back another time and try again.

My mind was so full of clutter, and just very confused and very stressed..... and now.... it's literally just vanished.... I've waited years to get this feeling.

Lisa Walker


Thanks to lysette, I am now able to rationalise my thoughts and see things for what they really are, which has not only enabled me to put myself in situations which would previously have made me anxious, but also given me the skills and tools that I can use in the future to ensure that I live my life to the fullest. 

Kate Walkling


It's difficult to measure the effect with any exactitude, except [I was] encouraged me to look at the situation and my behaviour in a realistic, but positive way, and to reevaluate my approach to events without panic or overreaction. I’m left with a calmness, determination, and most importantly lack of fear which carried me through.




They don’t teach you this stuff at home.

They don’t teach you this stuff at school.

And so, just like everyone before you, you’re left to try and fathom it all out by yourself.

You see other people seemingly sky-rocketing to success, but when you try to do the same, something gets in the way.

Your head!

It’s meant to!

I’ll say that again! 

It’s.     Meant.     To!

Much of your brain is dedicated to keeping you safe, not taking scary risks which might mean…


And, so it stops you trying.

And that thing you’re trying to achieve?

You know you can do it. At least, you know you should be able to do it. 

So what’s going wrong?




That’s all that’s between where you are and where you want to be.

So, what are you going to do about it?

I had always had a fear of public speaking and having a job that required me to make short presentations on a regular basis was becoming very stressful. I have had one session and it has helped to show me where my fear of public speaking has come from and therefore how I can combat it. The day after I attended a networking lunch and for the first time was able to present without fear and even with a little humour - huge progress! I now look forward to events such as these rather than dreading them which is beneficial not only for me personally but also for the business that I represent... 

..very beneficial and helped me get a sense of confidence and real hope for the future of my business.



…enabled me to find the underlying cause of this reaction and helped me to clear it up...

Since then I feel much more confident in saying what it is I want and why.

I am positive I will be able to cope with what life has to throw at me.


Company Director

Today at work I feel so much more confident about myself, especially when discussing my work and I just cannot believe the difference.




  • Filter out all that noise in your head, telling you you can’t?
  • Block out other people’s fears and negativity and focus on moving forward?
  • Strip away the ‘rules’ and beliefs about who you are, how the world is and how you fit into it?
  • Achieve effortless success in every area of your life?
  • Enjoy happy, healthy relationships with the people who matter the most to you?
  • Feel peaceful and strong, healthy and grounded?
  • Have the freedom to choose what your life looks like, working when you want and how you want?
  • Have the financial freedom to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do?
  • Make sound, informed decision you can live with?
  • Feel safe, knowing you’ve created security for yourself and your family?
  • Be the master or mistress of your destiny and not a victim of circumstances?
  • Be in charge of your mind and in charge of YOU?
  • Mindset Mastery


    If someone you know was stopping you achieving your goals, wouldn’t you want to do something about it?

    But what if that someone was YOU?

    Most people don’t achieve what they’re attempting to achieve. And it's not for lack of trying. Some even spend their entire life chasing the thing they want… to little or no success.

    They might feel utterly frustrated and defeated.

    Or, overwhelmed,… juggling work, relationships, family… longing for more time and space to follow their dreams.

    Maybe they want a more fulfilling job or career. Maybe they want more calm and peace, better health and more energy.

    Perhaps they’ve already sought guidance to achieve it, but probably found it didn’t solve the real problem.

    What’s that about?

    It’s not because they can’t. It’s because they’re trying to solve the wrong problem.

    If it feels as though you’re hitting obstacle after obstacle and never moving forward, it’s because you’ve never discovered the very root of all these problems. You’re looking in the wrong place.

    Everyone’s got hopes and dreams, but that’s how they stay for most people.

    Something they never get round to.



    Most people are running their lives on fear.

    Fear of failure.

    That might be a tough thing to hear, but you know it’s true.

    Hey! Maybe that little voice in your head is screaming, “That’s not true.” But, guess what? That’s the voice of fear talking! Nope! There’s no getting round it. It might hide itself behind laziness, procrastination, perfectionism, and ‘alternative facts’ insisting it’s just how the world is… but the outcome is the same, because the root of the issue is the same.

    Your mind is making you uncomfortable enough for you to give up and go home. 

    Where it’s safe.

    And so, most people never feel the over-the-moon fulfilment, satisfaction and joy that would otherwise be theirs.

    How sad is that?

    Remember. It’s not your fault. We’ve evolved this way. It kept our ancestors safe from venturing out of the cave, when venturing out of the cave was GENUINELY dangerous. 

    But now?

    Playing small isn’t a great experience is it?

    But what can you do about it. You can’t just repeat what you’ve tried in the past. You already know that’s not going to work.

    Because, when you want to make real changes in your life, your brain’s job is to stop you!

    And it’s very good at its job!

    But, you know that already don’t you!

    Your mind can be your own worst enemy.

    But as every successful person knows, it can also be your closest and most powerful ally.

    Marc Denton

    "I [learned, practised and implemented] techniques to propel myself forward as an individual and aid my personal development journey, which in turn, has unlocked barriers in my business. I was tunnel-visioned... and didn't have any awareness of other people's perspectives... I'm certainly more aware now of my actions and reactions... and [this] has led me to making better and better-informed decisions in the business and personally."

    Marc Denton, Independent Wealth & Tax Planner at The Wow Company, Investor in H2H business


    From the moment you begin your programme you will realise that:

    • Success in all areas of your life can be yours
    • You’ve already got everything you need to create the business and life of your dreams
    • All that’s missing you can learn
    • You’re in the right place to rewire your brain, quickly and easily

    You CAN have it all… 

    • Quality time with your family and friends
    • Headspace to pursue new hobbies
    • Stop seeking other people’s approval, and fulfilling other peoples expectations
    • Crystal clarity about what’s important to you and what you want to achieve and why
    • Quit the anger and frustration with yourself and others, and focus on solutions instead 
    • Build happier and healthier relationships which work for you not against you
    • Check the fear and anxiety and liberate the person you’re meant to be
    • Break down your Big Picture Goal into manageable chunks
    • Tackle every goal with confidence and enthusiasm
    • Develop the understanding, skills and tenacity to stay on track
    • Gain respect and trust from others
    • Expedite your career, business and income
    • Enjoy the process!
    Mindset Mastery


    Stephanie Ozanne

    Investor & Entrepreneur, Social Media Management & "Women in Crypto"

    Steve Chad

    Customer Engagement Manager, Entrepreneur & Author

    Caryl Coulthard

    Online Entrepreneur, Former Nurse, now Health & Nutrition Expert

    Rebecca Preen

    Law Student - University of Sussex. Goal: Training or Paralegal

    Imogen Drummond

    Law Student - PGDL at BPP University. Goal: Commercial Law

    Isaac Thurgood

    Final year History Undergraduate and Aspiring Commercial Lawyer. 


    Which MINDSET PROGRAMME is RIGHT for you?

    The Genius Principles

    By Invitation

    Achieve a higher level of career satisfaction and success with our step-by-step programme.

    How Smart and Ambitious Women and Men Tap into Their Innate Genius to Advance to The Next Level.

    Few people realise the extent of our ability to create the career and life we want and yet we see people doing just that - so what do they know and do to make that happen? They have accessed their inner genius so that they get more of what they do want and less of what they don't want, and you have this power too.

    Velocity 1 to 1 coaching

    By Invitation

    1 to1 Executive Coaching

    1 to 1 Personal Development

    Bespoke Mental Rehearsal Resources & Guidance

    Questions, Tasks, Challenges, Q&A Sessions

    Accountability and Progress Updates

    Quit judging, criticising & comparing 

    Learn new ways to respond

    Eliminate destructive beliefs

    Demolish roadblocks & barriers to progress

    See yourself & others clearly

    Discover your true purpose & mission

    Create your roadmap & strategy 

    Blast through personal & business goals

    Boost personal strengths & competence

    Establish true self-esteem & confidence

    Build productive, rewarding relationships

    Live your life deliberately & consciously

    Experience more fun & satisfaction



    My intensive, no-nonsense 1-to-1 Velocity Coaching and undivided attention is by invitation only. Please book a call to find out more and discover if you qualify.


    I want to help you achieve the same success. Why?

    Well, that’s easy! I’m sick and tired of people giving up on their dreams, all because they don’t know there’s a better way.

    And as I said to Boris Johnson, then Mayor of London, “I'm just not going to allow that to happen. Not on my watch!

    I want you to spring out of bed every morning, impatient to get to work on your personal and career goals.

    I want you to enjoy the freedom that comes from spending less time doing what doesn’t work, and more time doing what does.

    I want you to experience the ease which comes from managing your mindset.

    And I can’t wait to hear how much more confidence and self-esteem you have, now that you're working with your brain, not against it.

    Most people haven’t got a clue what it takes to achieve their goals, academic or otherwise, so they thrash about for a while and eventually give up, concluding…

    “I can’t do this.”

    “This’ll never work for me.”

    “I don’t know where to start.”

    “I’m afraid I’ll make a fool of myself.”

    Luckily that’s NOT you! You realise that if what you’re doing isn’t working, you need to do something different. Something smarter.

    You know that there’s nothing so special about the people who have succeeded that you can’t too – as long as you have the right person to help you find your way forward.

    It’s your turn now!

    Because Mindset Mastery "Genius Principles" is the perfect solution for you.

    Working with Lysette is one of the best investments I’ve made for myself and my business.

    Jo Spencer

    Chartered Insurance Broker & business owner

    I'm in control now. I've got my self esteem back. Thank you so much for what you've done for me and no doubt, for countless others. Keep it up!!



    Mindset Mastery


    You will be in safe hands. We will work together, making sure you have everything you need for the life you want.

    Click on the “Start Now” button to schedule a Discovery Call with me. My one-to-one programmes are by invitation only. I only work with people I'm sure I can help, and the Discovery Call is an opportunity for both of us to establish whether we are a good fit for each other.

    You can schedule that call here

    Mindset Mastery


    If you have the time, energy and inclination, you could work all of this stuff out for yourself.

    There! I said it!

    You don't need me!

    Unless of course:

    • You value your time and are already flat out coping (or not quite coping) with all your many commitments. 
    • You have better things to do with your time and energy than trawl through every last bit of information available, hoping that some of it sticks.
    • You're sick and tired of being sick and tired and it's time to change.
    • You're results-driven. And you need results. Fast.

    What makes this programme different is that this is ‘done for you’ as far as is Humanly possible, given that you are the one who needs to change. 

    I don't ‘show up and throw up’, leaving you on your own again to figure it out. I know that's maybe what you've come to expect elsewhere. But I won't do that. I'll be there for you. We'll do it together.

    Where else will you get a complete, step-by-step and bespoke programme, created specifically for you, to get you the results you need?

    Who else will provide you with your own Mindset coach with over 35 years of training, experience and success?

    How fast will you be able to achieve your goals when you have me by your side?

    If you think you can go it alone, be my guest! But I think you and I both know that if you had the wherewithal for that already, you wouldn't have made it this far down the page!

    Maybe you recognise that it's time to stop banging your head against the wall and to make a smart decision, because...


    When you have the "Genius Principles" under your belt there will be no more:

    • Overwhelm  
    • Stress
    • Being disorganised and panicky
    • Procrastination
    • Imposter Syndrome
    • Fear
    • Defeatism

    Instead, you'll:

    • Know what you're about
    • Have the tools to make things happen
    • Be unstoppable
    • Create the life you want

    ...found that I had come to some firm decisions about my future, and what I want in my life. I… realised I could… do what I wanted to do after all…This led me to another realisation and then another and then another. It's as if I'm finally seeing what's really there now and I like what I see!Thank you for all your help.



    I realised I was making my own deadlines, my own pressure to be perfect… Home became the priority. It’s amazing…. happily I went on to have a little boy. maybe one of the reasons I wasn’t getting pregnant was more of a mental block…

    Michelle Paice


    I can honestly say that I now feel like a new person, as it has completely transformed my thinking and outlook on life for the better. I would highly recommend to anyone that is suffering with a confidence problem of any kind.




    Which is the right programme for you?

    "The Genius Principles" Self-paced Online Training


    Velocity: VIP 1 to 1 Bespoke Coaching with me

    Which one you choose will depend on what you need, how fast you need it and of course, your budget.

    Genius Principles

    Genius Principles is a 6 module, structured training and support ONLINE programme. I have designed my advanced Genius Principles programme especially for proactive entrepreneurs and professionals wanting to build or develop their own business and career, while creating relationships and lifestyle of their dreams.

    It's for ambitious people who want success in all areas of their lives and want results fast.

    It's for people who need expert resources to allow you to hardwire your brain for new ways of thinking and behaving - automatically.


    • Your mindset is aligned exactly with where you want to go
    • You become the person you need to be
    • Your success becomes automatic and effortless 
    • You achieve all your goals and dreams

    This programme is the culmination of my life’s work and it has a very simple and proven structure - training and practice, training and practice, training and practice of hand-picked activities and resources to get you the results you need - fast.

    Here’s what you get:

    • Lifetime access to a structured, step-by-step system, each lesson building on the last, and to all future updates, so you can focus on creating sustainable success.
    • Exercises, questions, tasks, videos and other resources - so you make the fastest and most effective progress.
    • Templates, worksheets, tutorials to help you expand and explore what you’re learning even more deeply, and continually upgrade your operating system.
    • Your own Mindset Mastery "Genius Principles" Community built just for you. No, it’s not yet another FaceBook Group! It’s a bespoke and lovingly crafted environment where we actually get some of the work done, because we learn fastest when we have just the right mix of individual exercises and group consolidation. Of course there are other areas there, where you can chat informally too, but, it’s not a chaotic free-for-all. It’s a structured classroom, designed with your needs and your success in mind. You won’t get this anywhere else.
    • Ongoing support from me and my team - which means you will never be stuck on your own trying to work out how to solve a mindset problem.
    • Step-by-step systems and processes so you remove any and all stumbling blocks holding you back.
    • Guided mental rehearsal audio tracks, so you can follow along and let me do all the work.
    • Q&A sessions and classrooms, live trainings, workshops and feedback - expert training and cutting-edge mindset technology to tap into the power of your brain.
    • Daily and weekly accountability check-ins, progress updates and challenges - so you'll know exactly where you are, and what to do next. We will always keep an eye on your big goal, so that at every step you know you’re going in the right direction.

    Genius Principles is designed for you to get your transformation, the breakthrough you need, in order to think and act and perform at the next level. 

    This means the end of overwhelm, anxiety and stress. Being disorganised and panicky, perfectionism, procrastination, imposter syndrome… whatever’s been holding you back will be something that used to bother you once upon a time…

    You’ll gain focus, motivation and clarity, while feeling more and more confident and self-assured. You’ll get stuff done, fast, all the while, having fun and enjoying what you’re doing.

    Making the right decision now, will save you time, effort and money and help you create a future that you can be enormously proud of. 

    The right decision now, will help you create wealth and security and make you recession-proof and safe from whatever the world has to throw at you.

    If you’ve spent money in the past, trying to achieve your goals, but have found that it’s not enough, you’re probably way ahead me here…

    Isn’t it time, instead of throwing more money at yet more training courses, you invested in yourself?

    Mindset Mastery


    Which MINDSET PROGRAMME is RIGHT for you?

    The Genius Principles

    By Invitation

    Achieve a higher level of career satisfaction and success with our step-by-step programme.

    How Smart and Ambitious Women and Men Tap into Their Innate Genius to Advance to The Next Level.

    Few people realise the extent of our ability to create the career and life we want and yet we see people doing just that - so what do they know and do to make that happen? They have accessed their inner genius so that they get more of what they do want and less of what they don't want, and you have this power too.

    Velocity 1 to 1 coaching

    By Invitation

    1 to1 Executive Coaching

    1 to 1 Personal Development

    Bespoke Mental Rehearsal Resources & Guidance

    Questions, Tasks, Challenges, Q&A Sessions

    Accountability and Progress Updates

    Quit judging, criticising & comparing 

    Learn new ways to respond

    Eliminate destructive beliefs

    Demolish roadblocks & barriers to progress

    See yourself & others clearly

    Discover your true purpose & mission

    Create your roadmap & strategy 

    Blast through personal & business goals

    Boost personal strengths & competence

    Establish true self-esteem & confidence

    Build productive, rewarding relationships

    Live your life deliberately & consciously

    Experience more fun & satisfaction



    My intensive, no-nonsense 1-to-1 Velocity Coaching and undivided attention is by invitation only. Please book a call to find out more and discover if you qualify.


    • Do you have a Big Vision?
    • Want a successful and rewarding business?
    • Want to work from wherever you choose and whenever you choose?
    • Looking to build security and resilience?
    • Need to strengthen your focus, motivation, tenacity... belief in yourself?

    In short...

    Do you need to develop a more robust Mindset?

    We have no blueprint for what's going on in the world. 

    We’re each having to find a way forward ourselves.

    Everything is changing. All the time. We can't take anything for granted anymore. 

    The most important asset that we will ever have is ourselves: our strengths, our abilities and above all else our ability to manage our minds so that we can manage everything else we’ll need to do.

    You've heard the expression, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." If that horse had a reason, and motivation to drink you wouldn’t be able to stop it!

    That's the power of the mind.

    Do you need some of that unstoppability, too?

    If you can't manage your mind, you can't manage anything else!

    Mindset Mastery "Genius Principles"

    The real secret behind every successful person on the planet

    Mindset Mastery

    Mindset is a funny old thing and the very attributes which brought you the far can be exactly what’s stopping you going any further now.

    You will learn how to:

    1. Filter out the noise
    2. Make sense of your emotions
    3. Tune into your brain-power

    Here are just some of the skills and knowledge you will develop:

  • The little voice in your head: What’s it’s trying to do for you, why it’s failing and how to fix it
  • Why we need to belong and how it can work for or against us
  • The one thing which sets successful people apart - and how you can get it for yourself
  • How to flip your thinking for good, by restructuring your brain for success 
  • Interpreting the world around us - how to make our interpretations work for us
  • What’s your map of reality and is it working?
  • Why, in the past, you’ve failed, despite your best efforts, and what to do differently now
  • How to negotiate effectively so that everyone gets what they want
  • How to establish your goals and dreams, and even if seemingly insurmountable in the past, how to set up a reliable and repeatable system to turn them into actionable steps and make them happen
  • What to do with negative thoughts, fears and anxieties even when the going gets tough
  • How to set up the right connections in your brain so taking the necessary steps towards your goal feels normal and safe
  • What triggers you and why?
  • What are thoughts? How to embrace the useful ones and ignore the rest.
  • How to consistently keep yourself on track and make continual progress
  • Why some people seems to breeze through life and others struggle, and how to choose
  • How to make good decisions
  • Understanding what’s important to you and why, and staying consistent with your values even when other people make it difficult
  • How to avoid overwhelm and procrastination and instead, use your attention to achieve laser focus
  • Understanding limiting beliefs and how to knock them out of the park
  • How to overcome an upset
  • Your mission statement. What’s your gift to the world? Why it’s important.
  • What’s authenticity and why is it important?
  • Your procrastination antidote
  • How to develop a proven process to create the mindset of a winner
  • Feelings - what are they about? What are they for? How are we meant to use them?
  • What’s missing for you? What’s the real reason you keep doing that old behaviour?
  • What are your patterns and habits. Which of them work for you?
  • How to overcome obstacles
  • Thinking Styles - which one’s best for you?
  • Mood Improver
  • Understanding and managing your mind
  • Understanding yourself and other people for better communication and co-operation
  • Getting your life in balance and why you need to
  • Mapping out your future. What do you really need and how are you going to get it? 
  • What are your strengths and what’s the best way to develop the ones you’re missing?
  • Where does true motivation really come from and where will you find yours?
  • How to get what you want while helping others to do the same
  • How to develop robust resilience and fortitude
  • Empathy, sympathy & compassion and why you need all three
  • How to turn your mindset into your competitive advantage and be more successful than ever before
  • Learn from the world-leaders in the scientific field of neurology and success
  • The presentation of the programme is rich and varied and for maximum efficacy, interest and enjoyment, includes the teachings of other experts across the globe, brought together as part of our structured system.
  • So, you get the best of not only my training and experience but also that of other leading scientists at the top of their game too.
  • Relax and let me do the work!
  • As part of your training these guided audios will automatically rewire your brain for you. All you have to do is turn up and turn on! How easy is that!
  • Brain Priming, Guided Mental Rehearsal Audios
  • 10 Minute Guided Relaxation and Focus
  • Calming Whole Body Relaxation
  • Best You
  • Confidence
  • Quietening the Stress Response
  • Fixing your Goal in your Future
  • Dissolving Obstacles
  • Change for the Better 
  • Weekly self-evaluation and feedback, to focus on your next steps 
  • Rewiring your brain for Mindset Mastery through leaning and applying the "Genius Principles" is the fast-track to personal and professional success.

  • If you can’t manage your mind you can’t manage anything

    Why am I confident that you can do this?

    Because you’re still reading! You’re still here, which means you recognise that this is the missing link. Mindset Mastery is the only thing missing and you can do something about that right now.

    If it’s possible for other people then it’s possible for you too.

    In fact, you’ll become the person about whom others ask themselves, “How do they find it all so easy?”

    Through learning and applying "Genius Principles" countless people have developed the Mindset Mastery they need, and I know that even if you’re a little unsure, you really do have everything you need to succeed. Everything else... you can learn.

    And, this is where you will learn it. 

    The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll see exactly what I mean.




    Some of you will be sick and tired of big promises and even bigger disappointments; of half-built, badly-executed, substandard online offerings you've experienced in the past.

    This is not one of them!

    I know what I’m doing. I’ve been teaching and creating programmes for, ahem… decades! :-)

    I help my clients get the results they need.

    That's what lights my candle.

    That's what I'm about.

    That’s why I get out of bed in the morning!

    I don’t have to do this work. I do it because I want to. Because I enjoy the transformation and success you are about to experience.

    I know that if you follow my step-by -step programme… YOU. WILL. GET. RESULTS!

    Big results!

    But I get it. You’ve been burnt so many times, you’re afraid of making another mistake.

    I would be too if I were you.


    If you’re still wondering if this is the real deal, how about I make it impossible for you to get tripped up?

    How about I remove the danger so making the decision to say YES is an absolute no-brainer for you?

    60-day, 100% Satisfaction or Your Money Back Guarantee

    My transformational Mindset Mastery "Genius Principles" programme is chockablock full of value and busting with opportunity.

    I guarantee my programme provides for you the step-by-step system you need to develop Mindset Mastery - to be the boss of YOU, and rewire your brain to begin your journey of becoming the best, the most successful version of you, operating at your highest level.

    I’m so confident Mindset Mastery "Genius Principles" will take you to the next level that I’m offering you a 60 Day, ‘Show Your Work’, 100% satisfaction guarantee.

    Spend 60 days learning the lessons, practicing the strategies, doing the work. Do the work in the first two modules, and if you still don’t believe that you are already beginning to make a massive, massive difference in your life, just let us know and we’ll give you a full refund.

    There’s nothing to lose, but so much to gain. If you dare!

    But, be warned, my Mindset Mastery "Genius Principles" programme isn’t for everyone. I haven’t created it for everyone. Yes, everyone has all they need to make a success of their lives, but not everyone is fully committed to upgrading their mind. You need to commit to it and to trust the process. Trust the programme, trust me, and above all else, TRUST YOURSELF. Trust yourself to follow the steps and ask for help when you need it. Everything you need is spelled out for you once you get started, including where to find help if you need it.

    Is this you…?

    You’re working in the FInancial Services or other professional industry

    Running your own company, wanting to grow

    Working for someone else’s company, developing your own portfolio of clients

    Planning on going solo as soon as you feel able

    You’re an Online Entrepreneur 

    You’re just starting out or you’ve made a start and need to create some momentum

    None of the above

    But you know there must be more to life than feeling as though you’ll never get what you want out of it

    If you know that if you can’t manage your mind you can’t manage anything and you’re determined to gain the missing knowledge and skills you know you need, then this programme is for you.

    Maybe you’re a little nervous. That’s OK. If fact, I’d be surprised if you weren’t. After all, this begins a new chapter for you. And that’s exciting! And maybe just a little terrifying too!

    But, if not now, when?

    Mindset Mastery


    Bonus #1

    You may be aware of new and exciting scientific developments in the field of energy!

    We're all energy! You may have heard that before.

    It’s thought that we all perceive our own and others’ energy on an unconscious level, but it wasn’t until recently that we developed machines, sensitive enough to measure that electrical energy. 

    You know what I mean…You walk into a room and the energy is palpable. You just know something’s afoot! Long before you gain an understanding of what’s going on, you know you’ve walked into a ’situation’.

    “Houston, we have a problem!”

    Conversely, you probably know someone who lights up a room when they enter it. Everyone feels it. Hey! That person might even be you!

    Now we know we can harness that energy for better health and life satisfaction and success.

    How would you like to learn how to use your own innate energy to get rid of any negative thoughts and feelings in minutes? How much easier would your life become if you weren’t held to ransom by that little voice in your head telling you how useless you are?

    So Bonus #1 is our top secret weapon of choice for obstacle blasting, when the obstacle is you!

    But I’ve got more for you!

    Bonus #2

    Ever wondered what Mind Mapping is all about and why entrepreneurs rave about it?

    It’s useful for planning of any kind, whether you’re planning a webinar or a website structure; writing a book or creating a programme; organising your business or even planning what you need to take on holiday! Yup! There’s be a time when you’ll be taking more of those - maybe heading for the beach with your laptop!

    It’s has been an invaluable tool for me, but it can be very difficult to get the hang of doing it effectively. Most people give up before they've experienced the benefits.

    Let me make it nice and easy for you. I’ll teach you how to use Mind Mapping to get clarity on any situation and to plan.

    What happens when you register?

    When you click on the link, you’ll be taken to The Genius Principles sign up page.

    Once you’ve registered, you have access to the programme, which you’ll access  by using the user name and password you just signed up with.

    You’re in safe hands and you’re no longer on your own.

    We’re here for you.


    Which MINDSET PROGRAMME is RIGHT for you?

    The Genius Principles

    By Invitation

    Achieve a higher level of career satisfaction and success with our step-by-step programme.

    How Smart and Ambitious Women and Men Tap into Their Innate Genius to Advance to The Next Level.

    Few people realise the extent of our ability to create the career and life we want and yet we see people doing just that - so what do they know and do to make that happen? They have accessed their inner genius so that they get more of what they do want and less of what they don't want, and you have this power too.

    Velocity 1 to 1 coaching

    By Invitation

    1 to1 Executive Coaching

    1 to 1 Personal Development

    Bespoke Mental Rehearsal Resources & Guidance

    Questions, Tasks, Challenges, Q&A Sessions

    Accountability and Progress Updates

    Quit judging, criticising & comparing 

    Learn new ways to respond

    Eliminate destructive beliefs

    Demolish roadblocks & barriers to progress

    See yourself & others clearly

    Discover your true purpose & mission

    Create your roadmap & strategy 

    Blast through personal & business goals

    Boost personal strengths & competence

    Establish true self-esteem & confidence

    Build productive, rewarding relationships

    Live your life deliberately & consciously

    Experience more fun & satisfaction



    My intensive, no-nonsense 1-to-1 Velocity Coaching and undivided attention is by invitation only. Please book a call to find out more and discover if you qualify.


    You have options, of course!

    You always have options.

    You can carry on trying to achieve your goals… your lifestyle, career, relationship goals… 

    the hard way...

    Will you get there in the end?


    Maybe not. 

    Maybe you’ll give up on yourself, when you run out of time, energy or money. Maybe you’ll keep going. Most people don’t, but maybe you will. For how long…? 

    Or you can make a smart decision today. And change the course of your life… 

    Don’t you think, when you have Mindset Mastery, you’ll become more effective and happier in all areas of your life? 

    You bet ya will! 

    How would you like to be involved in a programme that you actually finish? And, what’s more, helped you to finish all the other ones? It’s just too tough going it alone. Stop trying to do it the hard way.

    We can move mountains together. It’s always easier to learn and grow when you’ve got the right structures in place - the right training, the right people and the right support. 

    For example, what will belonging to The Network Café mean to you? 

    What will you be able to do in 12 weeks, 6 months, a year from today that you can’t do now?

    How much longer are you going to wait to have the life you want?


    Good! I love questions!

    Simply click on the button below and book a Mindset Discovery Call.

    Lysette signature
    Lysette Offley - Mindset & Memory Coach

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