
Best Time for Study Success

So! When is the best time for study success? The simple answer is – whatever works for you. We know you’re busy and have lots of important things to juggle already, so doesn’t it make sense to try to fit your study times around your commitments bearing in mind whether [...]


Get better grades

Do you get better grades by using an effective revision strategy, or are you one of those people who doesn’t start working until a looming deadline frightens you to death? You probably know that I taught 20 years in mainstream schools in England. Whenever homework was due to be handed [...]

Emotional intelligence, Health, Learning

Panic stations

Ever find yourself so snowed under that you just don’t know where to start? What is your strategy for getting through the chaos? Does the thought that your exams are looming send you into a panic attack? It’s true to say that when our bodies enter the stress response we [...]