
10 Tweaks to a Better Memory

Wish you had  better memory? I’m assuming that at least from time to time, you make a heroic effort to study for your Advanced Exams. And I’m also assuming that no matter how hard you work to get information into your head, that over the subsequent few days and weeks [...]


Rosemary for a better memory

You really can sniff rosemary for a better memory. Seems Shakespeare was on to something: “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” And he was absolutely right. It’s not a ‘mature female spouse’s story’ after all. (I’m guessing it’s not politically correct to use the expression ‘old wives’ tail’?) The smell of [...]

Brain, Learning

What’s the best study method?

We all have our favourite, of course. And what works for us, is what’s best for us. But how do you know if you’ve stumbled upon the best system for you? Well, it turns out, so says Jeffrey Karpicke at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, that no matter what [...]


Chunk, drink and move for better memory

Human beings naturally tend to remember information at the beginning and the end of chunks. It’s the bit in the middle that can sometimes be a bit murky. So try tackling the tricky bits at the beginning or the end of your revision session. You could also write them at [...]

Brain, Health

Stay hydrated for better memory

When you’re putting a lot of effort into revising and want to do yourself justice in the exams, surely it makes sense to drink enough water, now that we know that sufficient hydration gives us a better memory and mental processing? Some research done by the Institute of Psychiatry in [...]

Brain, Emotional intelligence

Cognitive enhancement drugs for a better memory?

It seems that the pharmaceutical industry is riding on the crest of a new wave of drugs promising to improve our mental abilities and are therefore giving us better memories. But is it too good to be true? Originally developed to treat narcolepsy, the condition that causes people to suddenly [...]

Studying Techniques

Repetition for a better memory for your Certificate in Financial Planning

Many of us worry when we forget something seemingly important. We berate ourselves and imagine an intolerable future in which we continue lose more of our memory. (Ever beaten yourself up for  up for failing to recall everything in your Certificate in Financial Planning exam?) But how many of us [...]

Brain, Health

Eat well for a better memory in regulated diploma exams

Did you know, your brain is easily the greediest organ in your body and even though it’s only 2% of your body weight, it gobbles up 25% of all the energy from the food you eat! So it’s hardly surprising that what you eat affects how well you can think [...]

Brain, Health

Exercise for a better memory in CII exams

For those of you looking to improve your memory for CII exams, but who baulk at the idea of exercise, the bad news is nothing works better! The good news though is that you can get away with gentle walking for half an hour, three times a week. Surely we [...]

Brain, Health

More sleep, better memory

Going short on sleep does you no favours whatsoever. Planning, problem-solving, learning, concentration, working memory and alertness all suffer. IQ scores also fall. Sean Drummond from the University of California, San Diego, points out that staying awake for 21 hours reduces your level of ability to that when you’re drunk! [...]