
Are you too old to learn?

I’ve bet you’ve used that excuse before! They say, don’t they, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I admit, sometimes it feels easier not to bother because after all remembering stuff takes effort. But if you put the effort in, you might be very surprised by what you [...]


How to become 15% smarter

It is reckoned that we can only hold roughly 7 or fewer ideas in our head at any one time. This rather limits anything you want to do with your brain and it’s known as our short-term, working memory. There have been plenty attempts in the past to increase this [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Now or later? Delayed gratification

What would you have done, at the age of 8, if somebody had put a tasty biscuit in front of you and gave you a choice: you could have that biscuit now or if you waited until that person returned from running a quick errand, you could have 2? What [...]

Brain, Health

Stimulating! How far would you go to improve your study skills?

Thousands of years ago, one therapy often used to reduce symptoms of arthritis and other pain, involved sitting in a tank of electric eels! How bad would your pain have to be for you to consider doing that? Some 70 years ago electric shock therapy was sometimes used in psychiatric [...]

Brain, Learning

What’s the easiest way to remember more?

Simple! Pay attention to what time you study. Loads of experiments have shown that by simply taking a quick nap after learning something new, whether it’s facts or skill, helps the brain to consolidate the memories created by that new learning. And it turns out that it doesn’t matter if [...]