General, Learning

Informal Learning

Years ago, at a networking event, run by Refer On and John Welburn, I connected with Dexter Moscow, who helped make QVC the enormous success it is today. We’ve kept in touch over the years and back in the spring he introduced me to Paul Matthews, a thought-leader in the [...]

General, Learning

Giving it the swerve!

Having to swerve and brake violently to avoid running over my second snake when cycling by the river, I was curious to know what make of snake was having such an impact on my journey. Well, not impact… but you know what I mean! Good old interweb! (Have you noticed how hand-held devices are [...]


Bloom’s Taxonomy and how it helps us learn

In 1956, a group of educational psychologists, headed by Benjamin Bloom, classified the various levels of intellectual behaviour observed when people learn. His work has been developed further, leading to very useful pointers for anyone attempting to study and remember information. It illustrates how our brains work and how we can [...]