Emotional intelligence

Is your interpretation causing your suffering?

Is your interpretation causing your suffering? By that I mean, are you aware that you suffer, not at the hands of other people, but because of the automatic, unconscious interpretations you make? Pure coincidence –  my last article was about being stuck to our ‘phones and not relating to real people [...]

Emotional intelligence, General

Relationship wrecker #1

Relationship wrecker #1. It’s an easy and obvious trap to fall into. Ever been absolutely sure of something, only to find out you were wrong after all? Supposing it turns out that what you thought you knew, was in fact, such a load of bunkum that it was actually the [...]

Emotional intelligence, Health, Learning

Panic stations

Ever find yourself so snowed under that you just don’t know where to start? What is your strategy for getting through the chaos? Does the thought that your exams are looming send you into a panic attack? It’s true to say that when our bodies enter the stress response we [...]