
How do you learn best?

How do you tailor your studying to the way that your brain prefers to process information?Knowing how makes life easier and learning more fun.Do you know what sort of a learner you are? Do you understand how you already process, store and retrieve information in your day-to-day life?When you sit [...]


How to make notes your brain will remember for the exam and beyond

Want to know how to make notes your brain will remember? We all know we need to make notes when we revise, don’t we? But does everyone know the best sort of notes to make? Probably not. Make these mistakes and more than likely, your brain will forget what you’re [...]


The best time to study difficult information

Is there a right or wrong time to study difficult information?Do you find sometimes that despite your best efforts, something you're trying to learn just simply will not go into your head?It's the same for all of us. The cause might be because it’s less familiar information or a more [...]


We’re all the same…

Except for those who aren’t! We Human beings have a lot in common, and yet there are so many differences too, especially when it comes to trying to remember something. We process information differently. We store and we retrieve information differently. And thank goodness for that! It would make for a [...]


How to be a better learner

I’m often asked how I can help people pass their Diploma and Chartered Finance and Insurance exams, and usually by people who have failed the same exam more than once, and who are feeling as though no matter how hard they work none of it makes any difference. We are [...]

Studying Techniques

Less is more when it comes to making study notes

When it comes to making study notes, less is more. Ever noticed how hard it is to retain information if it’s coming at you too fast to absorb it? It’s as if it’s ‘not going in’ your brain to start with, and if it ain’t in there, you’re hardly going [...]


Do you have an effective study schedule?

“What is a study schedule?”, I hear you ask! A study schedule is a plan of attack to maximise the effectiveness of the time you’ve set aside to revise. Why do you need it? Have you got time to waste? Are you studying for the sheer fun of it? Or [...]