A while ago I had a telephone call from someone enquiring about MindMaps. He had heard that MindMaps were useful for creating study notes and he rang me to find out if I knew somebody who would make his MindMaps for him. In other words, he wanted somebody to go through his course manual for him, creating MindMaps that he could revise from, in order to save him time.
He didn’t realise that it’s the process of making MindMaps, or indeed any other style of revision notes that gives your brain the opportunity to make a pattern of the information and send it to your long-term memory where you need it for the Project Management exam.
There is no shortcut to learning. You have to do the learning yourself if you’re the one who wants to retain the information. There are of course quick and effective ways of doing this, but you’re the one who has to do it.
If you want to find out more about how you can cut hours off your revision and pass your Project Management exams easily, take a look at Genius Material, the complete revision system for exam success.