Emotional intelligence, Learning

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner created the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983 to describe the different aspects of the cognitive abilities of Human beings. He argued that one person might find multiplication easy but this did not make him more intelligent per se than someone who found multiplication hard. He suggested that [...]


Some essential things you need to know about studying effectively

Remember, there are 3 things to pay attention to - if you want to remember something.The 1st key is you've got to spend long enough in the first place with the information you want to learn.The 2nd key is that when you make study notes you need to make the [...]


What sort of revision notes should you make?

We all process, store and retrieve information differently. And we all need to find the best way to revise for our own brain and learning preferences. As you develop your own way of doing things, you might find some of the following ideas useful. Ideas for highly visual learners Use [...]

Emotional intelligence, Health, Learning

How to combat exam nerves

It’s understandable and perfectly natural to experience some anxiety about exams, and unpleasant as it feels, it can serve as a motivator, to get you to do your revision! It seems some people cope better with exam nerves than others, and so it might be worthwhile having a look to [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

How Genius Material helps you learn easily

We’re all different. We all process information differently. No two people store information in their brain exactly the same. And the way you retrieve information from your memory banks won’t be the same as anyone else on the planet! I hope Genius Material helps you to get a better understanding [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Think your way to better grades

Thinking positively and believing in yourself will help to counteract the fear you might feel when confronted with that oh so thick course manual, the contents of which you have to learn in order to give you the best chance to get better grades in your exams. You know what [...]

Emotional intelligence, Health, Learning

Never mind study skills – are you mentally prepared for better grades in your exams?

The trouble with focusing on study skills is that very often we neglect the other areas that all contribute to getting better grades in our exams. Thanks to recent research, we’ve become more aware of how important it is for our bodies to be in good shape if we want [...]


Sleeping and eating are study skills too!

When you’re studying hard and paying good attention to the 3 Keys to Learning, making sure that your revision strategy gets the information you’re learning into your long-term memory, wouldn’t you also make sure that your eating and sleeping patterns support your other study skills? Sleep has been found to [...]

Health, Learning

The lazy way to better grades

It’s early days, but it just might be that sleeping late in the morning is the ideal way to get better grades in your exams! If you’ve ever woken up grumpy and confused, you won’t be surprised that David Dinges of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia concluded from his [...]


Is cramming the best way to study?

Well, it’s certainly one way, but is it the best way? Pros It doesn’t take as long. It feels like you’re being really efficient. You find out which caffeinated drinks keep you going longest! You get to notice all the other things that need doing first, such as tidying your [...]