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Your 2 minutes could help end poverty in Africa 

By  Lysette Offley

Your 2 minutes could help end poverty in Africa

Your 2 minutes could help end poverty in Africa - photo of a hand holding the globeNo kidding!

I’m temporarily breaking the mould for another week and sending this same message out a few times – I want to give everyone the best chance of making the huge difference I think we could make between us.

So please forgive me if you see this more than once, and please be patient – normal service will resume very soon!

Basically, I’m writing to ask a favour… to watch a 90 sec video made by my friend and mentor, Mark Neild.

Mark has spent a lot of time with me over the last year, helping me see the wood for the trees – and it’s been invaluable, especially because after many years of trying, I’ve finally made a breakthrough with Genius Material – and need to steer carefully. (More about this another time.)

Mark has proved himself a valuable ally, and a thoroughly good egg!

Naturally, I want to support him in a project that’s very dear to his heart.

As a qualified executive coach, entrepreneur educator and award-winning business mentor, he’s created a charity that while training up our own managers, sets up micro-businesses in Africa, teaching Africans how to manage and grow those businesses.

It’s a GENIUS double-whammy – everyone benefits. We get more accomplished business leaders, here in the UK, and we end poverty in Africa – one entrepreneur at a time.

Actually, two at a time! With each project, not one, but two, new micro-business owners are created and supported.

It’s already happening, but Mark wants to make it bigger and better, and has entered a pitching contest to enrol Richard Branson in the idea.

To win that opportunity though, he has to get enough votes in the first place, and that’s where we come in.

If, having watched the video, you agree with me that his is a great idea and Richard Branson should hear about it, please give Mark your vote, by clicking on the red VOTE FOR PROJECT button (top right) and sign in with your FaceBook or LinkedIn profile.

(You may want to opt out of receiving further emails – so look out for a couple of opt-out boxes during the quick process of voting!)

Everything you need is here: https://bit.ly/AfricaPoverty Or you can click on the video picture, and go to the same place.

Your 2 minutes could help end poverty in Africa - video by Mark NeildAnd of course, tell as many people as you can about it, and help spread the word.

Thank you.


Just think – it’s people like Mark, who are making a difference, and you and I really can help change the world simply by watching a video and clicking a button – all taking a total of 2 minutes.

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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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