Let go of Stress and Negative Thinking
Here are the exercises to accompany the webinar, Stay Sharp to the Bottom of the Glass. Watch it first for instructions. These exercises will help you let go of stress and negativity. Spend a few days on each exercise before moving on to the next. Start with #1.
1. What Triggers a Negative Thought?
2. Unhelpful Thinking Styles
3. Mood Improver
Use these three exercises in turn to begin to develop new automatic habits, leaving you feeling a lot calmer, day-to-day.
Stress gets in the way of learning, so learn to reduce yours - for better revision.
3 Keys to Learning Crib Sheet
Just to make sure everyone gets the fundamentals of Genius Material here is your 3 Keys to Learning crib sheet to remember 80% of what you're revising - forever. Sure beats forgetting 80%, which is what you set yourself up for if you don't pay attention to these 3 keys.
MindMapping Crib sheet
Many people find MindMaps very useful for revision because they work so well with the way our brains already prefer to process, store and retrieve information. Use this crib sheet to MindMap, the Genius Material way.