Brain, Emotional intelligence

Decisions, decisions: How to make a good decision

While we’re on the subject of making decisions, my good friend, and Informal Learning expert, Paul Matthews wrote about this story in his recent newsletter: A man in Gandhi’s entourage was forever complaining about this, that, and the other. Finally, Gandhi said to him… “If it is a peaceful and calm life [...]

Emotional intelligence, General

How to develop the skills of the most successful people

Oh dearie me! The fear of the unknown. Cor lummy! Uncertainty. We don’t like it, do we? That’s the only thing we’re sure about! Our brains are hardwired to live in caves, and wrestle with saber-tooth tigers, both of which there’s not much call for these days! Well, not round [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning


Choose… And kill off all other options As with all the other ‘cide’s’, it’s from the Latin root, caedere “to cut, to kill”, Suicide… Fratricide… Fungicide….! Ever felt stuck? Overwhelmed with decisions, and feel like your brain’s ‘full’? Well – two great articles for you this week… Firstly, the second(!) article, by Paul Matthews [...]