For those of you interested in this sort of thing, our friends Andy and Nicki Bruce are going to be on Grand Designs this week.
Wednesday 15th October, on Channel 4, at 9.00pm. (Also Wed, 15 Oct on 4seven at 11:00pm 15 Oct and also 4seven at 12:05am on Fri, 17 Oct)
We met them a couple of years ago when they asked us about our experiences of being on the Grand Designs show, and to see how we’d coped with building on the river.
Not put off(!), they’ve been building in a very interesting and challenging location – a small island, in a well-known town not far from us.
As we did, they’ve got a crafty plan for coping with the inevitable flooding… the country’s first amphibious house.
When we were designing our house, I jokingly suggested that we should build it to float, and do away with all the problems of piling foundations.
I was somewhat surprised to discover that it wasn’t such a daft idea after all!
Apparently they do it all the time in the Netherlands…
And now too in the UK!