Brain, Emotional intelligence

To be or not to be? The Language of Motivation

To be or not to be? To have and to hold. We say, “I am“. The French say, “I have“. Which is more empowering? Well, given that your brain actually responds differently, depending on how you say what you have to say. If we’re not careful, we activate our flight or [...]

Emotional intelligence

The Chimp Paradox – Managing the Chimp

As you know, in “The Chimp Paradox”. Dr Steve Peters calls the emotional brain, the part that tells us how we feel, the “Chimp”. He likens the Chimp to owning a dog. You’re not responsible for the personality of the dog, but you are responsible for keeping it well behaved [...]

Emotional intelligence

The Chimp Paradox

The brain is a complex animal! As I describe in my Automatic Weight Loss online Training, for all our sophisticated science, much of it still remains a mystery. Fortunately, for our purposes, there are just 3 areas we’re interested in, and the roles of these three areas are very elegantly [...]

Emotional intelligence, Health

It’s so funny – how we don’t talk any more

So I get on my train, grateful for a seat at rush hour out of London, and can’t help noticing what’s going on around me. Everyone – and I mean everyone’s on a smart ‘phone or tablet – ignoring the person next to them. Some are even wearing ‘don’t talk [...]

Emotional intelligence, General

Emotional Flooding!

Many of us, living in the Thames Valley, and on other low-lying land in the UK are experiencing the most extraordinary weather, the like of which, many of us haven’t ever seen before. Not only has it meant a long and dark and wet winter, but it has brought with [...]

Emotional intelligence

Our Grand Designs: The Trouble With Neighbours

Many of you are aware that we built a new house and that it was covered by Channel 4’s Grand Designs programme. And therefore many of you will know of the difficulties we overcame – not least of which were the... ahem... complications with the neighbours. (If ever there was [...]

Emotional intelligence, Health

How to eliminate exam nerves

When you’ve invested so much time, effort and money, revising for your exam, and you feel under pressure, it can be hard to not get stressed in the exam room. But of course, you need to avoid getting your knickers in a twist, because when we’re stressed, we can’t think [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Advanced Thinking Workshop

Watch this introduction to Emotionally Intelligent Communication and find out what it can do for you. If you know someone who might be interested in identifying and expressing their needs so that others really listen, and so they feel heard and understood, please let them know about this workshop. It’s a new course and I’m [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Do what I mean, not what I say!

So there I am, a newbie,  surrounded by old hands in the Green Room of the Kenton Theatre, Henley-on-Thames. My first rehearsal. My first show. I’d been cast in one of the lead roles and I was terrified of letting the others down . I was okay with the singing [...]

Emotional intelligence, General, Health

Meditation for Longer Life

So, we’ve known for a long time that meditation is good for us, but now science is catching up and proving the point. You probably know that telomeres are the caps on the ends of our strings of DNA, and that they shorten with each cell division. When they’re completely [...]