
MindMaps – some ideas

Do you already use MindMaps or have you been meaning to find out more about them – how to make them – what they’re useful for? Here are a couple of SlideShare presentations that will give you an insight into their uses and structure.   Memory mindmaps-speedreading-coaching   Presentation for [...]

General, Learning

When is an exam deadline, not a deadline?

When it’s a Financial Services Exam! Talk about side-stepping! Having been told, ‘pass your exams by the end of 2012 or lose your jobs’ out of the total of 117 451 representatives in the country, 80 278 still need to pass the exam according to ‘The Citizen’. Apparently there’s a [...]

Brain, Health, Learning

Second Language – First Priority

What’s the best way to protect your brain against age-related memory loss? When the research digs down, it turns out that there are a few things you can do to hang on to those precious brain cells. And one of them is to learn another language. [...]


How to get 10% more in your exam, without trying

We all know by now at the most important thing about studying, is going back to the information you've learnt and checking you still know it.Many of us also know about the Learning Cycle and so, if we've set ourselves up with sufficient time to revise before an exam, we [...]

Brain, Learning

What’s the best study method?

We all have our favourite, of course. And what works for us, is what’s best for us. But how do you know if you’ve stumbled upon the best system for you? Well, it turns out, so says Jeffrey Karpicke at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, that no matter what [...]


Are you too old to learn?

I’ve bet you’ve used that excuse before! They say, don’t they, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I admit, sometimes it feels easier not to bother because after all remembering stuff takes effort. But if you put the effort in, you might be very surprised by what you [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Now or later? Delayed gratification

What would you have done, at the age of 8, if somebody had put a tasty biscuit in front of you and gave you a choice: you could have that biscuit now or if you waited until that person returned from running a quick errand, you could have 2? What [...]

Brain, Learning

What’s the easiest way to remember more?

Simple! Pay attention to what time you study. Loads of experiments have shown that by simply taking a quick nap after learning something new, whether it’s facts or skill, helps the brain to consolidate the memories created by that new learning. And it turns out that it doesn’t matter if [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Biggest revision mistakes: Bad ‘tude, dude!

I received a phone call recently from an A-level student panicking that she only had two weeks before her first exam. She felt ill-prepared and anxious about the time she’d wasted. She spent a good 10 minutes explaining why she was in a pickle – What she had done, what [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Biggest revision mistakes – Spotless house!

Another name for discovering a part of the house that urgently needs cleaning just when you had planned to knuckle down to revising for your Project Management exams, is procrastination! It comes under the heading of avoidance activities. We’ve all been there! We were just going to sit down to [...]