
A long forgotten technique for remembering stuff

A lot of people are so focused on getting the information into their heads, they don’t pay enough attention to keeping it there. And let’s face it, there’s no point in learning something unless you’ve then got it accessible to you later on. Especially if you’re learning it in order [...]


Rosemary for a better memory

You really can sniff rosemary for a better memory. Seems Shakespeare was on to something: “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” And he was absolutely right. It’s not a ‘mature female spouse’s story’ after all. (I’m guessing it’s not politically correct to use the expression ‘old wives’ tail’?) The smell of [...]


8 facts about memory

1. Forgetting helps you learn! How? Well just imagine if you never forgot anything. How on earth would you sort through all that information to remember where your ‘phone is now for example, given your brain would know all of the places you’d ever left it? Ever? Of course, in [...]


Long-term memory, short-sighted strategy!

I’m often asked what’s the difference between long-term and short-term memory, but I’m buggered if I can remember! Ha ha! Of course, the clue’s in the question! If you want information to still be there in your head, when you need it later on, you need to turn short-term memory [...]


Forgot? No problem!

Rethinking how memory works… Its job is to make sense of the world and keep you safe. It’s not bothered about exams. It is bothered about your comfort and ultimate survival. So unless you want to forget what you’ve learned (80% or more within 24 hours or in even less [...]


Sleeping on the job!

How to improve your performance No, not that performance! That’s maybe a conversation for another time!! But at work, how’s your performance when you’ve gone short of sleep? How effective and motivated are you when you’re thoroughly knackered? You already know that going short of sleep does you no favours [...]


What am I doing up here?

Ever got to where you’re going, only to wonder what you’re doing there? It happens to all of us! And is it any wonder we can become a little forgetful, given the amount of information we have to cope with every day? I must admit, I do try to lessen [...]

Brain, Memory

Mental Note…

You’ve heard me say a number of times, it’s no good expecting the material you need to learn to enter your head of its own accord, settle down into your memory banks and await your recall. You’ve got to actively manipulate the information in whatever way is appropriate for you, [...]

Health, Memory

Better Sleep Video

You are in the right place to watch the Automatic Weight Loss, Better Sleep Hygiene video. You’ll notice that it is from the final part of a video made for my Genius Material clients. Sleep is not only vital for organising and storing new memories, such as those gained by [...]

Emotional intelligence, Memory

Why we forget

Your brain automatically tends to let go of older information in favour of more recent information. On top of that your brain filters out information based on what it believes to be important in the moment, in other words what’s important to your survival. So even though you are receiving [...]