Categories: Memory

What’s sticky and won’t let go? 

By  Lysette Offley

What's sticky and won't let go? Photo of man and smart phoneI had a ‘phone call  recently from someone who’d bought Pass Exams Easily – a Book and DVD set I wrote for Brand Financial Training.

He wanted to know something along the lines of, “Do I really need to go to all of that palaver in order to learn something?”

My answer is something like, “I dunno! Do you?”

Because, many people really don’t know how much effort they really have to put in to learning something.

I mean – really learning something.

Most people think that reading their course manual a couple of times will do the trick. And if it does, I say, good on you! Keep doing it!

But for the vast majority of people it doesn’t work at all. However, in the absence of knowing what to do instead, they carry on regardless.

So if he’s like the vast majority of people, who forget 80% of what they think they’ve learnt, within 24 hours, then yes, he does indeed need to go to some palaver!

It’s actually quite hard work to learn something for an exam. And I figure if you’re going to put any effort in, then it had jolly well better reward you. There’s nothing more soul-destroying than trying and trying, and simply not getting the results you need. So instead of just doing what you know, find out what actually works, and do that instead.

So, what’s sticky and won’t let go?

A regularly practised memory, that’s what!








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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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