Categories: General, Learning

Connecting the dots 

By  Lysette Offley

Connecting the dots. photo of Marco Comastri“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

Steve Jobs

Found myself sitting next to Michael Pitfield at the Chamber of Commerce Tech Forum event. What a coincidence, since he wrote a book in the 70s about how to take exams, and I’d bought it, only a few months ago after ‘meeting’ him on the ‘phone, thanks to an introduction by Max Barbour. Until he introduced himself, I had no idea that we were already connected. So there we were, listening to a presentation by Marco Comastri, about our increasing use and expectation of mobile apps. Timely information for me, as I give Genius Material a complete overhaul, making full use of, guess what? Yep! Mobile apps!

He described a “Perfect technology storm of mobile apps, connected products, social connections, data Connecting the dots. Image of connected dotsanalytics, and cloud computing continually raises customer expectations for quality in every industry.”

  • 268 billion mobile app downloads are expected by 2017. Hmmm… I’d like some of that!
  • $142 billion expected to be spent on apps by 2019. Hmmm… I’d really like some of that!

But 80-90% of apps are only used once. If they don’t work fast enough, aren’t intuitive to use, don’t look right… you’re dead! A timely reminder to me that we have absolutely got to get this new edition of Genius Material right. And first time too. Good job I’ve got all the support and expertise around me that I’ve got. Great to be well-connected!

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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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