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Biggest revision mistakes – Copying every word 

By  Lysette Offley

Biggest revision mistakes - Copying every word - photo of study notesA hundred years ago, when I was revising for my A-levels, I remember tackling my biology for the first time. I guess, maybe like you, I was never taught how to revise, but just muddled through somehow year after year.

Anyway, I distinctly remember having the idea that ‘making notes’ was the thing to do. And so I set about doing just that. But before I got to the bottom of my first piece of A4 paper, I had begun copying out every word of my textbook, for fear of missing something important.

All these years later, I am very well aware that some therapies capitalise on the knowledge that the more we write down, the more we tend to forget! That’s brilliant if somebody is trying to move on from a traumatic experience of the past. But not so good if you’re trying to

It doesn’t work. Don’t do it!

Genius Material is a game0changing and complete revision system for CISCO Accreditation, Financial Services e.g. RO3, RO4, AF5 etc exam success.

Genius Material Magazine on Apple's Newsstand for iPads.Genius Material Magazine on Apple’s Newsstand for iPads.

Genius Material Magazine, was a monthly, English-language, international, psychology, neuroscience and education magazine. It brought together the best brain research and study skills methodology, showing you how to retain information and pass exams easily.

Internationally acclaimed writers in the fields of neuroscience, popular psychology and brain research as well as in education and learning, along with memory champions and other experts too, had their say in this fun read, with diverse and fascinating information about the most complex organ in the human body: the brain.

In it, you could discover the secret to using your brain effectively and developing a good memory, and retaining it, whatever your age. Enhance your life, health, relationships and work.

Sadly, after single-handedly coping with the resulting workload of an entire publishing company, I reluctantly decided to let it slip away quietly.

This experience was a good one. It was exciting to communicate with scientists at the cutting edge of their field, and be among the first to hear about their discoveries.

While the iPad magazine no longer exists, my interest in how Human beings work, and how we can better manage our minds and health continues in my other pursuits.

Known as The Head Fixer, I’m all about making the most of what we’ve got, and surprising ourselves with what more we’re capable of.

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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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