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More great GCSE Results with Genius Material 

By  Lysette Offley

Great results for GCSE students

GCSE results to be proud of

Just goes to show what you can achieve with Genius Material – pass exams easily, that’s what!

Great GCSE and A Level results

Proud mother of two more very successful children

Olivia Sellers“We’ve had the most stressful but best summer ever. It concluded today with GCSE results for Olivia. (6A*s, 2As,2Bs)

You definitely played a part in their success and we are very grateful.

Max used methods you taught him to make his revision notes and I’m sure this skill will help in future exams as well. He gained the first A* grade he has ever had, giving him an enormous confidence boost and the UCAS points to ensure a place at his first choice of University. He went into school on results day with his head held high and a massive smile. (The school is very academic and his friends have been are A/A*throughout their exams). I cried! (Doesn’t happen often!)

Olivia has done brilliantly. We expected her to do well but she excelled. She even got an A in English Literature which was the subject she hated the most because it seemed hardest. I know you spent time with her showing her how to “dissect” Romeo and Juliet. She was a little resistant to changing her method initially but eventually, her notes evolved from pages and pages of writing (that would never be read again) to multicoloured masterpieces with arrows, capitals, diagrams…

Thank you and good luck with this area of your career.”

Andrea Sellers, Scarcroft, Leeds


Max Sellers“Genius Material has made a huge difference to my ‘A’ Levels. It has helped me to remember things much better, and learning new things feels so much more achievable.

I got an A* in business. I’ve never had such a high mark before and when I saw the results I thought they’d sent me someone else’s!

It was funny in the exam because we were asked about Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line Theory. And I even knew about that. No one else in my class could answer that question! When I saw it I laughed and thought, “Thank you!”

I’ve got into Northumbria, my first choice university, to do IT with Business Management, which is similar to what my dad does.”

Max Sellers, Scarcroft, Leeds


If you’re looking for help to ease the stress and get great exam results, then give me a shout and find out how I can help you.

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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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