
I love being married 

By  Lysette Offley

“I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”

Rita Rudner

I love being married. Photo of couple holding handsOK, so let’s assume that it’s not our express intention of upsetting our partners. Actually, let’s go one step further.

Let’s assume that we’d really prefer to rub along famously instead. That’s not an unreasonable assumption, is it?

So why is it yet another friend has just told me she can’t understand why it’s so difficult achieving that happy marriage she always dreamed of?

Well, it seems that the University of Rochester has found an acceptable and accessible way for couples to really connect and stay connected…

Watching films together!

Yes, that’s it. Movie night.

But it’s not any old film. It’s not even any old Rom Com. And after you’ve watched it you have to talk to each other about the characters in relation to yourselves.

It’s not a free-for-all, mind – there are questions you need to address.

I love being married - instructions from Rochester UniBut it’s genius!

And so non-threatening, compared with so many other interventions designed to bring couples closer together.

So if your partner has refused to ‘see someone’ about your struggles to get on, you might find them willing to watch a film, and afterwards, really talk and connect.

Rochester Uni have provided us with the questions and a list of suggested films, leaving nothing to chance.

Their research demonstrates that every couple can feel closer and better understood – we’d all benefit, and they say they’ve cut the divorce rate by half.

But don’t wait until the cracks appear – all those of you newly-weds and soon-to-be-wed folk out there (you know who you are!) – start now – and help me put Marriage Guidance Counselling out of business!

So what are we waiting for?

Grab the popcorn, and off we go…

How movies can make a marriage better


“If you want your wife to listen to you, then talk to another woman: she will be all ears.”

Sigmund Freud


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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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