Studying Techniques

What to do when your revision isn’t working

If you feel your CISCO Accreditation revision strategy has room for improvement and you’re tired of wasting your time doing things that don’t work, and you just want to cut to the chase and get the job done efficiently, then have a look at the many Genius Material options developed [...]

Studying Techniques

Biggest revision mistakes: Stress

You can’t think straight when you’re stressed and anxious. You’re not supposed to think straight when you’re stressed and anxious! Physiologically, we Human beings are pretty much the same as we were 10,000 years ago when we lived in caves. You can imagine just how important it was to our [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Biggest revision mistakes – Marathons

Ever found yourself falling asleep during long study sessions? Human beings have evolved with short attention spans! That won’t come as a great surprise to many people! But I wonder how many people allow for this when revising? It’s very unlikely that you can maximise your efficiency when studying for [...]

Studying Techniques

Biggest revision mistakes – Copying every word

A hundred years ago, when I was revising for my A-levels, I remember tackling my biology for the first time. I guess, maybe like you, I was never taught how to revise, but just muddled through somehow year after year. Anyway, I distinctly remember having the idea that ‘making notes’ [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Biggest revision mistakes: Negative thinking

A while back, I delivered a Genius Material study skills presentation in a particular company, that had several employees taking CISCO Accreditation exams. I delivered the presentation twice, in the morning to one group and in the afternoon to a second group. There was one member of the audience in [...]