Emotional intelligence, Learning

Biggest Mistakes – Leaving it all until the 11th hour

One day I had an anxious person on the ‘phone telling me their ITIL exam was next Tuesday and they hadn’t even taken their course manual out of its cellophane wrapping yet. Was there anything I could do to help them? He and I both knew that there was a [...]

Studying Techniques

Biggest revision mistakes – Copying every word

A hundred years ago, when I was revising for my A-levels, I remember tackling my biology for the first time. I guess, maybe like you, I was never taught how to revise, but just muddled through somehow year after year. Anyway, I distinctly remember having the idea that ‘making notes’ [...]

Studying Techniques

Biggest revision mistakes – If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

Just think about it for a moment. How does anything get done? I mean, of all the things that you get done in a day, what do they have in common? I bet the things you do are the routine things, the things you always do. I bet they are [...]

Emotional intelligence, Studying Techniques

Biggest Mistakes – Umpteen re-sits

Failed yet another exam?If you are a Financial Adviser, Lawyer or Accountant disappointed by another exam failure, don't book another resit without reading this first. You might be very surprised by the number of ‘phone calls I get from, for example, Financial Advisers who tell me they’ve taken and failed the [...]

Studying Techniques

Biggest revision mistakes – Using lined paper

Lined paper encourages you to write in a linear fashion from left to right, starting at the beginning of the line and not moving onto the next until you have filled the one before. It doesn’t encourage you to use symbols, shape, colour, space, bullet points, numbers, pictures etc – [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Biggest revision mistakes: Negative thinking

A while back, I delivered a Genius Material study skills presentation in a particular company, that had several employees taking CISCO Accreditation exams. I delivered the presentation twice, in the morning to one group and in the afternoon to a second group. There was one member of the audience in [...]

Studying Techniques

Biggest Mistakes when revising for Chartered exams

Would it surprise you to know that there is only one difference between people who pass exams, such as Chartered exams, easily and people who struggle? And don’t you go thinking that it’s all about intelligence! It’s not. It’s all about having an effective revision strategy. People who pass Chartered [...]

Emotional intelligence, Memory

Why we forget

Your brain automatically tends to let go of older information in favour of more recent information. On top of that your brain filters out information based on what it believes to be important in the moment, in other words what’s important to your survival. So even though you are receiving [...]


Learn effectively and pass exams first time!

In this workshop Lysette Offley will show you: The process of learning and remembering information How to make ‘brain friendly’ notes How to spend less time, but better quality revision How to retain the 80% of information most people forget How to pass exams first time! Venue: CII, The Great [...]

Studying Techniques

Pay attention if you want Chartered exam success!

Anything that goes into your brain is likely to disappear again unless you pay attention to it in such a way that your brain gets the idea that it’s important to remember it. Now, of course it’s important for you to pass your Chartered  exams, but in the grand scheme [...]