
Sleeping on the job!

How to improve your performance No, not that performance! That’s maybe a conversation for another time!! But at work, how’s your performance when you’ve gone short of sleep? How effective and motivated are you when you’re thoroughly knackered? You already know that going short of sleep does you no favours [...]

Brain, General

Snails take power naps too!

Are power naps good for snails and other animals too? Great pond snails sleep for 10% of their life. You can tell which ones are in the land of nod. They’re the ones hanging on to a solid surface, muscles relaxed and tentacles partly withdrawn. Most animals have a preferred [...]

Health, Memory

Sleeping for success – memory consolidation

. Sounds good, doesn’t it! Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of slogging away at your revision, napping was the key to better revision! Well it is – sort of! Studies at the University of Tübingen in Germany have shown very convincingly, that sleep plays a very important role in [...]