Smarter technology, smarter Humans? Hey! You know me! I love systems and processes and efficiency. I love having the technology ...
So! When is the best time for study success? The simple answer is – whatever works for you. We know ...
What’s up with this Rafa Benitez thing? Apparently there is going to be extra security at the Chelsea match against ...
Every time you talk to a child, they create new connections in their brain. How does technology impact the brain? ...
Which way’s your attention facing? Inny or Outy? We’re social animals and are hard-wired to be with, and to relate ...
There’s quite a spread of problems that I can help people with, but they all have 3 things in common, ...
When it comes to making study notes, less is more. Ever noticed how hard it is to retain information if ...
How good is your memory? Do you retain everything that you’ve revised? Or do you find that over time the ...
Rethinking how memory works… Its job is to make sense of the world and keep you safe. It’s not bothered ...
Grateful to have known this genius… Returning from holiday, I was so shocked and saddened to hear of the death ...
So, we’ve known for a long time that meditation is good for us, but now science is catching up and ...
You can’t think straight when you’re stressed and anxious. You’re not supposed to think straight when you’re stressed and anxious! ...
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Known as The Head Fixer, Lysette Offley is a Memory & Mindset Coach to people in Financial Services across the globe.
Genius Material helped me pass RO3, RO4, RO2, J10, RO8, RO5 and LP2, in that order and in 2 months! I was paying attention and I'm well on my way to becoming Chartered!
Pedro Bonillo-Farias, PBF Wealth Management

Vikki not only passed every Advanced exam first time, to gain her Chartered Status as fast as possible, but she scored so highly in her exams that she won a prize!
Proud husband of Vikki Watson, clarity. CHARTERED!