
How to make a smart mouse

Frankenstein would have had a chuckle. Scientists at Rochester University have implanted Human glial cells into mouse brains. I kid you not! Glial cells support our neurons, communicate with them and each other, and are a vital part of the brain’s functioning. So vital, apparently the scientists thought perhaps the [...]

Brain, General

Google Glasses for X-Ray Vision?

Smarter technology, smarter Humans? Hey! You know me! I love systems and processes and efficiency. I love having the technology to do stuff. I was an early Apple computer adopter all those decades ago (for music composition and production, after using the wonderful Atari) and have always stretched the capability [...]

Brain, Emotional intelligence

What do 2 yellow chairs, a comic book and an oil spill have in common?

Don’t you just love Genius Thinking? So what do two yellow chairs, a comic book and an oil spill have in common? At first glance you may think….. nothing! Ah, but not so! Let me explain… I just love lateral, creative, out of the box, problem solving genius thinking… and [...]

Brain, General, Health

Fermented Food Headlines

Look at some of the many article headlines in the New Scientist over the last few months. Bacterial therapy is in its infancy, but gut flora is now recognised for its essential role in our overall health and longevity. Faecal bacteria cocktail treats superbug infection Genetically Modified bacteria may banish [...]

Brain, General, Health

What is fermented food?

Ever asked the question, “What is fermented food?” Numerous cultures around the world have been fermenting food, it seems, forever! Of course, it’s a great preservation technique and in the absence of Tesco and Waitrose, gave our ancestors access to fresh vegetables throughout the year. It really is so easy [...]

Brain, General, Health

Fermented Food? Yuck! What’s that!

One of the things that’s mentioned, in the brilliant film, Origins, is the massive benefit of fermented food to your brain and immune system, and I thought you might like to know more about it. If you’ve ever eaten sauerkraut, then you’re a bit more in the know! However, most commercially [...]

Brain, General, Health

Are you sitting comfortably?

I hope not! It’ll be the death of you! Oh dear – something else we’re doing all wrong… Do you too despair at the almost constant barrage of research telling us what we’re doing wrong? As is so often the case, the latest news is about our sedentary lifestyles. Yes, [...]


Multitasking – The new brain disease?

  Are you sure you want to multitask? While it may sound like a good idea to get several things done at once, it’s actually known to slow you down, not speed things up. What’s more, the quality of what you achieve deteriorates too. If you have any trouble concentrating, [...]

Brain, Emotional intelligence

Are you addicted to multitasking?

It’s reckoned that within the last few decades, we’ve had to get used to dealing with four times more going on at a time. That’s a huge jump! It’s not that I’ve got ADHD, it’s just ooh look there’s a squirrel…! Do you too, watch TV while checking your emails, [...]

Brain, Emotional intelligence

Distracted pilots

Distracted pilots deliver their passengers an hour late. I expect they just wanted to finish off what they were doing on the computer…     So are Pilotless planes safer for passengers than the combination of automated systems and human operators, who get distracted from time to time? The US Air Force’s Global [...]