Emotional intelligence, General

Relationship wrecker #1

Relationship wrecker #1. It’s an easy and obvious trap to fall into. Ever been absolutely sure of something, only to find out you were wrong after all? Supposing it turns out that what you thought you knew, was in fact, such a load of bunkum that it was actually the [...]

Brain, Emotional intelligence, General, Health

Stress and Anxiety

What are Stress and Anxiety? Stress is the word we use to describe the arousal of the autonomic nervous system. It’s what motivates us to get things done, to rise to a challenge or to get out of the way of a car driving fast towards us. However, these days [...]

Brain, Emotional intelligence, General

We’re a Grand Designs Landmark!

The TV People! They’re here! Wey hey! We’re a Grand Designs Landmark! Top secret, hush hush. Gotta wait until the programme airs! Well! Didn’t see that coming! My ghast has been flabbered by this latest, ahem… development. (Like what I did there?) 🙂 Can’t say too much at this stage, [...]

Emotional intelligence, General, Health

And what a week, for revelations!

I can’t help it. It’s in my genes! An international consortium of scientists have apparently found 60 genetic locations that influence 1. whether we tend to store fat and 2. where we store it. It’s relevant because, for example, fat around the tummy is known to be more dangerous to [...]

Emotional intelligence, General, Health

This week’s news is so ‘last week’!

Happy heart-health! When will the authorities (whoever they are!) withdraw its longstanding warnings about cholesterol? Recently, it’s been decided that perhaps we’d jumped the gun, or should I say, the rabbits did! Maybe this is retribution for all the horrid things we’ve done to them to control their numbers… I’m getting [...]

Emotional intelligence, General, Learning

Planning on setting a goal? Forget it!

“Forget it? Why’s that?” I hear you ask. Because, usually we decide what we want to achieve and then set that as our goal. “Well, yes… So far, so good…” Maybe! “Maybe?” There you go again, asking questions! What if you don’t have a system in place? What if you [...]

Emotional intelligence, General, Health

Overcoming Overload

If it feels like you’re peddling twice as hard to stay in the same place these days, it’s probably because you are! We were bombarded with five times more information in 2011 than we were in 1986! It hasn’t got any easier in the intervening years… We’re spending twice as [...]

Emotional intelligence

What makes you stronger when you break it?

A bad habit! Ever wondered why, despite your best efforts, you just can’t rid yourself of the habits you want to change? What are habits? They’re behaviours that you’ve repeated so many times that they happen automatically, without your conscious effort. You might realise half way through or after the [...]

Emotional intelligence, Learning

Keep calm and carry on revising!

How annoying is it when people tell you to keep calm and carry on revising? Possibly not at all, if you know how to use your revision time wisely. But your revision strategy is less than perfect, “Keep calm and carry on revising,” is the last thing you want to [...]

Emotional intelligence, Health

‘Tis the season to be jolly!

If it’s the season to be jolly, what are you waiting for? Looking forward to Xmas? Or are you already stressed-out, just thinking about it? If so, you might be very interested to discover some surprising facts about stress and health. 30 000 adults in the USA were asked: How [...]