OK! So now I’m going to sound like an advert for the new Tesla electric car. I’m not on commission, honest! But, just like Genius Material, it’s an absolute game changer. A ‘disrupter’.
Changing gear…
In a week that heard VW admitting they’d fiddled their emissions data, and are possibly therefore facing ‘corporate murder’ charges, Tesla are quietly, oh, ever so quietly, wiping the floor with the rest of the car industry.
Up until this presentation, at the Chamber of Commerce Technology Forum event, I had no idea just how stonkingly advanced the technology is.
They see themselves as a technology company, rather than a car company! And quite honestly, now I see why!
They reckon we’ll be travelling 1200 km on one charge within the next 5 years. Which takes care of my last but one objection.
Which is…
But it’s not my lovely Z4 though, is it?
Still, since they’ve given away their patents to the world, the hope is that BMW, Jaguar and the rest will also use the technology, to create a cleaner, safer world for the good of all.
Elon Musk…
Genius Material!