

I can’t even begin to express what our Queen’s passing means to me. And I’m sure, anything I say will have been said more eloquently by someone else. But, given that she has always been there, all my long life, holding steadfast to her mission, and doing a bloomin’ spectacular [...]

Emotional intelligence

What would you give to achieve your goals?

What would you give to achieve your goals? Do you sometimes find that winter months seem to go on forever and that you’re just longing for better weather? Do you sometimes feel lethargic and unable to get going, even when you really, really want to achieve something? Need some tips [...]

Emotional intelligence

Thought for the day

Well – here’s a thought for the day! This home video on YouTube is mercifully short, given that you probably know where this is going (or isn’t) within the first few moments… And you might be wondering why I’m asking you to watch an amateur video of a robot vacuum [...]