
Will this stop the bullying?

Just returned from a fabulous week’s skiing. Here I am, as you see – working hard! Working hard! Who’s this?   Sharing the restaurant and ski slopes with the rich and famous. Can you see who this is?   Recognise him now? How important is education to you? Goodness me, [...]

Emotional intelligence

Are you doing anxiety and depression?

Doing anxiety and depression?, I hear you ask… Yes, doing anxiety and depression! What am I missing? A recent study apparently gives us a clearer understanding of ‘how parents pass anxiety and depression on to their kids’. It describes the three areas of the brain which work together to control our [...]

General, Health, Learning

Lining up the ducks…

It’s all finally coming together, at last! This week has been somewhat eventful!! Channel 4 documentary I had a ‘phone call from a documentary producer, needing an expert on board a pilot (On board? Pilot? See what I did there!!) programme for Channel 4, to help explain and ultimately help [...]

Emotional intelligence, General

Relationship wrecker #1

Relationship wrecker #1. It’s an easy and obvious trap to fall into. Ever been absolutely sure of something, only to find out you were wrong after all? Supposing it turns out that what you thought you knew, was in fact, such a load of bunkum that it was actually the [...]


T’is the season to be… jolly miffed!

Aaaargh! Feel like going postal! What a revenue generator the new(ish) postage rates are turning out to be. I imagine the Post Office is finally making a mint! Every week, for the last two or three months I’ve had to call in at our local sorting office with the card [...]