Categories: General

T’is the season to be… jolly miffed! 

By  Lysette Offley

T’is the season to be… jolly miffed. Photo of golden post boxAaaargh!

Feel like going postal!

What a revenue generator the new(ish) postage rates are turning out to be. I imagine the Post Office is finally making a mint!

Every week, for the last two or three months I’ve had to call in at our local sorting office with the card put through our letterbox, informing me that there’s some post I can’t have until we’ve paid the additional postage cost, which now have incurred an additional £1 handling fee!

On many occasions, it’s turned out to be junk mail!

On another, a postcard from a friend, informing us of a change of address.

On yet another, it turned out to be from my accountant, for which I paid the fee and collected on the way to see my accountant, whose offices are literally round the corner of the adjacent road!

Behind the counter, the posties have boxes and boxes of similar items to be paid for and collected.

The postage categories and rates are so complex that mistakes are being made left, right and centre. I have to admit, it takes me a good 10 minutes any time I need to send anything – to weigh, categorise and calculate which stamps I need. I’ve even got a handy cardboard letter box type sorter to post my correspondence through, to decide if it’s a ‘letter’ or a ‘large letter’ etc.

What a waste of time! It wasn’t like this in the good old days. You know – when the Post office was losing money hand over fist!!


Talking of wasting time…

It’s that time of year when many of us, having made a New Year’s Resolution, are rediscovering just how hard it is to keep, and why you needed to make it in the first place!

Remember – if you would like help to install better habits in place of old ones that don’t work too well for you – give me a shout.


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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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