Emotional intelligence, General, Health

This week’s news is so ‘last week’!

Happy heart-health! When will the authorities (whoever they are!) withdraw its longstanding warnings about cholesterol? Recently, it’s been decided that perhaps we’d jumped the gun, or should I say, the rabbits did! Maybe this is retribution for all the horrid things we’ve done to them to control their numbers… I’m getting [...]

Emotional intelligence, General, Learning

Planning on setting a goal? Forget it!

“Forget it? Why’s that?” I hear you ask. Because, usually we decide what we want to achieve and then set that as our goal. “Well, yes… So far, so good…” Maybe! “Maybe?” There you go again, asking questions! What if you don’t have a system in place? What if you [...]

Emotional intelligence, General, Health

Overcoming Overload

If it feels like you’re peddling twice as hard to stay in the same place these days, it’s probably because you are! We were bombarded with five times more information in 2011 than we were in 1986! It hasn’t got any easier in the intervening years… We’re spending twice as [...]


Theresa May and George Clooney

Hmmmm… interesting! If you found yourself sitting on a settee, in Roux at Parliament Square, with the UK’s Home Secretary, Theresa May, for 15 or 20 minutes or so, before dinner… What do you suppose you’d talk about? A little while back, I found out! Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy being the [...]


RIP digital products?

At the beginning of 2015, new VAT regulations came into force in Europe, which I thought I would mention because I know that like me, some of you sell digital services directly from your website. Up until this year, VAT was calculated on the basis of where your business is [...]


T’is the season to be… jolly miffed!

Aaaargh! Feel like going postal! What a revenue generator the new(ish) postage rates are turning out to be. I imagine the Post Office is finally making a mint! Every week, for the last two or three months I’ve had to call in at our local sorting office with the card [...]

Brain, General

Google Glasses for X-Ray Vision?

Smarter technology, smarter Humans? Hey! You know me! I love systems and processes and efficiency. I love having the technology to do stuff. I was an early Apple computer adopter all those decades ago (for music composition and production, after using the wonderful Atari) and have always stretched the capability [...]

Brain, General, Health

Fermented Food Headlines

Look at some of the many article headlines in the New Scientist over the last few months. Bacterial therapy is in its infancy, but gut flora is now recognised for its essential role in our overall health and longevity. Faecal bacteria cocktail treats superbug infection Genetically Modified bacteria may banish [...]

Brain, General, Health

What is fermented food?

Ever asked the question, “What is fermented food?” Numerous cultures around the world have been fermenting food, it seems, forever! Of course, it’s a great preservation technique and in the absence of Tesco and Waitrose, gave our ancestors access to fresh vegetables throughout the year. It really is so easy [...]