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Pay attention if you want Chartered exam success! 

By  Lysette Offley

Pay attention if you want RO1 exam success - photo of royal cavalry guardAnything that goes into your brain is likely to disappear again unless you pay attention to it in such a way that your brain gets the idea that it’s important to remember it. Now, of course it’s important for you to pass your Chartered  exams, but in the grand scheme of things, how important is it to remember a minor detail about mortgages, compared to recognising your children, or remembering which way the traffic is likely to be coming as you cross the road?

So our unconscious mind, the automatic part of our brain, is just going to let all this information go again, unless we pay attention to it in such a way that it occurs to us as important – as important as which way the traffic is coming from.

If something really is crucial to your safety, like for example the cooker hob getting hot in your kitchen, your automatic mind will help you remember that straightaway. But if it’s not that important (and it’s all relative of course) such as new information you’re studying for your exams, you will need to convince your unconscious mind that it really is important enough to hang on to.

The way that we do this is by repetition and by making important stuff stand out. You can learn to study more effectively. When you use important information over and over and over, it’s usually there for you the next time that you need it. Think about anything that you’ve learned to do by repetition – eventually you got the hang of it so that it becomes automatic and it’s just ‘there’. Any revision that you do, anything you that you learn, you need to keep going back over in order to remember it long-term.

But of course that’s a tricky balance.

If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself going back over and over and OVER the same old stuff, never having time to learn anything new – and that ain’t gonna work either!

Part of the trick of learning to study is the Learning Cycle. The Learning Cycle is a pattern of revisiting the information that you’ve learnt, that automatically builds in the time you need to learn new material as well as revisiting the old. It sets out the bare minimum that you can get away with, for it to stay in your brain.

And that’s how our members are passing Chartered exams first time with Genius Material, after having failed them numerous times in the past.

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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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