
How to remember what you’ve learned

If you’ve been reading my previous articles you’ll already know how to remember what you’ve learned, and will also be familiar with the 3rd Key to Learning: Test. If this is news to you, then read on… You need to keep testing yourself on each chunk of new information you [...]

Health, Learning

Sleep learning

The idea of sleep learning probably began in 1951 when a couple of researchers at the University of Washington DC attempted to teach Chinese words and their English translations to volunteers as they slept. They concluded that, “Learning can occur during sleep.” The problem is though, while several other people [...]


Sleeping on the job!

How to improve your performance No, not that performance! That’s maybe a conversation for another time!! But at work, how’s your performance when you’ve gone short of sleep? How effective and motivated are you when you’re thoroughly knackered? You already know that going short of sleep does you no favours [...]

Studying Techniques

Testing, testing

When you’ve sweated buckets of effort on absorbing information, you need to make sure all that hard work is worthwhile. You need a way to keep that information in your head. So when you’ve created your revision notes on one side of the paper you’re writing on, turn it over. [...]

Emotional intelligence, Health

Better sleep, better relationships

It seems, the more we discover about the function of sleep, the more we realise the benefits of good quality sleep. We know that sleep is important in the memory consolidation proces, but we now know that lack of sleep is a factor in problems with overweight. Not only that, [...]

Studying Techniques

Little children, sweetly sleep…

Little children do indeed sleep sweetly. In fact, according to Gareth Gaskell at the University of York and Anna Weighall, children need good quality sleep to consolidate the vocabulary they’ve learnt during the day. They say that the new words are fully integrated with familiar words after 12 hours – [...]

Brain, General

Snails take power naps too!

Are power naps good for snails and other animals too? Great pond snails sleep for 10% of their life. You can tell which ones are in the land of nod. They’re the ones hanging on to a solid surface, muscles relaxed and tentacles partly withdrawn. Most animals have a preferred [...]


What state are you in?

How does what state you’re in relate to state-dependent learning? On the subject of state-dependent learning, in other words, being in the same emotional/physical state to recall information as you were when you learned it…. Some experiments with rose scent at the University of Lübeck in Germany, showed that people were [...]

Health, Memory

Sleeping for success – memory consolidation

. Sounds good, doesn’t it! Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of slogging away at your revision, napping was the key to better revision! Well it is – sort of! Studies at the University of Tübingen in Germany have shown very convincingly, that sleep plays a very important role in [...]