
Do you believe in The Magical Number Seven?

Do you believe in The Magical Number Seven? You should! At least where your memory is concerned. Way back, in 1956 the cognitive psychologist, George Miller, published a paper in which he stated that we have limits on our capacity for processing information. Talk about stating the blinkin’ obvious! He [...]


How to improve your working memory in less than a minute

Anyone ever informed you that you're not as daft as you think you are?And then does that little voice in your head ask, “How do you know how daft I think I am?”We all feel silly from time to time. We've all done foolish things, and questioned our brainpower or indeed, [...]

Brain, Health

More sleep, better memory

Going short on sleep does you no favours whatsoever. Planning, problem-solving, learning, concentration, working memory and alertness all suffer. IQ scores also fall. Sean Drummond from the University of California, San Diego, points out that staying awake for 21 hours reduces your level of ability to that when you’re drunk! [...]