
Did you make the right decision? 

By  Lysette Offley

Did you make the right decision - photo of sign postsOn a day when the results of the EU Referendum are announced, I ask, “Did you make the right decision?”

And what did you base that decision on?

Or are you still unsure of the right move, as so many of us are?

Well… time will tell, I guess. Meanwhile, and after that particular horse has bolted, here are some previous posts about making good decisions.

How to make good decisions



Decisions, decisions: How to make a good decision

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  1. There are many cliche`s about doing things and decision making – “the person who never made a mistake never did anything”; “If you must make a decision then make one because if you don’t you are wrong 100% of the time”. Understanding how to make a decision would have helped me is so may situations and perhaps I would not have made the wrong decision so many times. C’est la vie, one cannot turn the clock back but hey, there’s the future.

    1. Oh boy! Do I know what you mean! Hindsight… now there’s a useful skill – well maybe if it appeared at the right time, anyway!! 🙂

  2. I did make the right decision, but apparently 52% of 72% did not. It seems, to paraphrase, there is more that divides us than that which unites us. I wrote to the Prime Minister this morning, but he ignored my advice and also made the wrong decision. Too, too depressing for our future and that of our children. Now queuing for a ferry to France. I hope we don’t get spat on.
    A bientot!

    1. Spat on? Not by me, anyway!

      Let’s hope it’s not as bad as some say, and distantly better than others say. And make the most of it.

      D’you know, I’m thinking that perhaps after all this (and including the death of the MP last week) more of us ordinary folk will take a more active interest in what’s going on and hold our government to account ourselves.

      I’m not called an optimist for nothing!

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Lysette Offley

Genius Maker & Founder of Genius Material and The Genius Principles. Working with professionals who need exceptional academic & professional development.

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